Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ideas n e 1?

hey pplz! now, for de random thought of de day.... guess wut? i don't have 1! i just spent 15 mins looking 4 a random thought of de day, but i couldn't find n e good 1s. WHOEVER READS DIS, PLEZ GIVE ME A GOOD RANDOM THOUGHT CUZ I NEED SUM. yeah, i wonder if seals can do backflips.
2day, i went 2 second cup with pizza-bun after skool. after pizza-bun left, dis random dude w/ really low pants starts banging on the window i wuz sitting @. den he whips a bouncy-ball @ me. it bounces off de window and hits his friend (who wuz currently on de cell) in de head. de friend got really pissed, and dey kinda left.
so...... i need topics of discussion here. ppl, plez comment and give me a topic 2 write about, cuz i have no idea, and i think u ppl would b really bored if i just told u about my day.
hmmmm........ ok. pizza-bun just got a new monokuro boo pencil case 2day.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm................................ ok. manga-bun REALLY wants these special mangaka colouring marker thingys that cost $500sum for 300sum. they r REALLY EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah, so she's gonna save up her money until she can pay 4 it. $3 for a person in a background. her drawings are REALLY GOOD!!!!!!! yet, her mom's not getting her de markers. (i mean they're freaking five hundred dollars!!!)
i am now on chat w/ my dear, dear, friend chewybaka. i am trying 2 get him 2 give me sum good ideas. so far, he want's me to talk about my new non-existant japanese pencil case, and narwhals swimming in the ocean. great. just wut i need.
so pplz! give me ideas!!!!!!!!! dat's it 4 2day (i think)! so byebye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw, chewybaka has dis weird problem w/ saying goodbye. he just has 2 repeat it until sum1 getts really annoyed and logs off.
btwa (by the way again), PLEZ PLEZ PLEZ PLEZ COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. omfg. never take ideas dat r outdated. my advice 2 u

    i feel so famous being tlked bout on ur blog, ms longlegs

    sooooooooooooooooo? is chewy w/ yilin yet? cuz if dare not im gonna murder both of dem. or beat de hll outta dem D=<

    lemme c......4 de idea u shuld tlk bout ur most embarressing fails in life. id luuuuuuuuuuuuv 2 hear dem

  2. WTH IS DAT AT THE END!!?! I was the one not to keep saying bye!!

    Anyways, since you gave me 4 plez's I'd like to say that if it's planned, its not random. and if it not random, its not as special! I total(itarianism)ly agree with K. Thats always a good way for the public to get to know you (lol) anyways, thats 167 drawings she has to draw. IS there enough people willing to get a background picture? But anyways, cya, until next blog. ( btw,I talk about Narwhals, i never suggested it, irony ^^)

  3. ok... about dat idea, i don't get embarrased very easily, so i can't do dat. de most embarrising thing i've prob ever done wuz calling my teacher "mom" acidentally in grade 3. dat's it, i think.

  4. Hehehe long weekend!
    is this another form of buzz? just wondering
    I luv ir background choco-bun! But purple is my color!
    I have a idea not so random

  5. why r u choco-bun? i wanna eat u now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and pizza bun too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody should be garlic and cheese bun... luvvvv those!!!!!! mmmmmmmm

  6. during clean-up 1 day or sumthn. i don't remember. also, is dat u porky-bun?!? yays!!!
