Sunday, December 5, 2010

shoutouts and random stuff!!!!!

hey! i'm bak! i just made a bunch of chocolate chip cookies 2 giv 2 ma fam in china. ahhhh. so tired. n e waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. i can't think of n e thing 2 write rite now, so i'll do a bunch of shoutouts:
chewybaka - *fwak*
manga-bun - likes drawing fish 4 art
pizza-bun - nothing out of ordinary. yet.
illz - gets rlly obsessed and non-sleepy wen lost sumthn
porky-bun - i hav no idea where u r rite now, but i got u a x-mas present and i need 2 deliver it 2 u.
chewybaka - *fwak*
yayz 4 shoutouts!!!
soooooooooooo............................... how's life pplz? just sayin, but u neva check old posts cuz i comment 2 ur comments, but u pplz neva know. u shud srsly check de comments. srsly.
n e way........ i'm signing out from here! byebye 4 now!!!!!!!!! >.<


  1. by the time they get there, they'll be stale and cold, but if they are taken away at customs, then they'll prob be eaten by dem tardy customs officers pervs.

  2. hey chewy, btw, u no dat pizza-bun's "sister" is following u rite?

  3. "Louise" Feng? Yeah. At least my sister isn't following Kristie. Or else, I would Die.

  4. lolz. ah....... skools starting 2morrow. and wuzn't even used 2 winter break yet. my life's so hectic.

  5. omj (ha, stole ur saying) u havent posted since LAST YEAR!!!! also, since when does kristie have a "sister" ?????

  6. oh, she duz hav a sis, but dey're not close. srsly. dey're not.

  7. hmmm... reminds me ov me and my sister... thou r so lucky u r an only child... i hate sisters... :(
