Friday, July 1, 2011

I'M GOING TO THE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and NO it is not lyk de chain mail ware u put dat up just 2 scare sum1. i am ACTUALLY going 2 de us, more specifically new york, boston, harvard university, etc. i'm visiting 4 a while during summer break!! (oh speaking of, my goal is 2 update WAY more during summer cuz i'll ACTUALLY hav sumthn 2 tlk about) OMJ I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! I SWEAR I WILL UPDATE AT LEAST ONCE IN EACH STATE!!!!!!!!!! OMJ! OMJ! OMFEG! OMJ! yeah.

ok i don't YET, but i wuz running out of picture ideas! DON'T JUDGE ME!!! *omj i'm starting 2 sound lyk mrs.orak! noo!!!!!!*


  1. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. wth r u visiting a uni?!?!?!?!

  2. aaaa! cant wait till ur back so we can get the songs dunnn!!!

  3. WTH IS A UNI?!?!? HALLO????

    and... i can't wait 2 work on dem 2!!!!!!!! yay!

  4. uni = university?? or mebbe uni = UNIted states ...? i dunno!!

  5. btw, the word verification thingy for tat last comment was "ILLY-HOOL" lolllzzz!!! ILLY!!

  6. OMJ SRSLY?? i had 2 do 1 dat wuz SHIPAZZY. GROOVY rite?
