Friday, July 1, 2011

SUSHI CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMJ!!! i got dis UBER CUTE game on my ipod (4 under $2)!!! its called sushi cat! sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! illz played de game online & told me about it, & i bought it and its SO MUCH FUN & CUTE & POINTLESS @ DE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!! OMJ!!!!!!!! it's dis blob-shaped kitty dat wants 2 wind de heart of another blob-shaped kitty by eating sushi 2 get 2 it!!!!!! awww!!!!!!!! so kawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SQUEAL!!!!!!!!* OMJ U ABSOLUTELY CANNOT EXPLAIN IT'S CUTENESS IN WORDS ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, on a totes diff topic, i'm obsessed with dis jap singer rite now. her name is kanon wakeshima & she sings & plays de cello. her songs r sooooooo gud!!!!! i luv dere gothic/dark/emo touch 2 dem. it gives u goose-bumps!

de song by her i'm ESPECIALLY obsessed with is still doll! it's so epic!!! omj!!!

~ hi miss alice, garasu no me de donna yume wo mirareru no? ~


  1. i rly do NOT get y u luv dat song so much! i mean its good, but so.........classicaly. tho luv how its creepy :D

    ~pizza bun

  2. well DUH. wut did u think i wuz writing in, spanish? AND WUT IS WRONG WITH CLASSY, HUH? HUH? HUH?!?!?!?!?!

  3. whoa, no need ta spaz.... but i actuall did think that was spanish. weird huh?

  4. say it out loud. sound spanish 2 u? also, why de hotdog would i listen 2 a SPANISH song? AND, duz she even LOOK spanish???

  5. well i dont know, i though sayonara was spanish! its apperently japanese, weird, rite?

  6. ware duz it actually SAY sayonara??
